Oppenheim! Optics at the train station
Martin OppenheimBahnhofsplatz 191522 Ansbach (Germany)Telephone 0981 / 1 27 07E-Mail info(at)oppenheim-optik.deInternet www.oppenheim-optik.de
USt-IdNr.: DE 283772775
Authorized representative: Mr. Martin Oppenheim (Owner)
Job title: Master optician awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany
Supervisory authority / professional chamber:Chamber of Crafts for Middle FranconiaSulzbacher Straße 11-15, 90489 NurembergTelephone 0911 5309-0, Fax 0911 5309-288info@hwk-mittelfranken.dewww.hwk-mittelfanken.deProfessional regulations:Law on the regulation of crafts (Handwerksordnung) in the currently valid versionhttp://bundesrecht.juris.de/hwo/index.htmlhttp://bundesrecht.juris.de/bundesrecht/hwo/gesamt.pdf
Photo credit:
Oppenheim! Optics at the train station